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Get those numbers tidied up…and mix yourself a drink because you deserve it.

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You could finally feel legit.

Like the total boss you are.

If you think of the IRS as this looming, mysterious, up-to-no-good cloud hanging over your business… You’re not alone. The cool thing is when you learn to work with the forces that be (instead of avoiding contact wherever possible), it’s a lot easier.

But this isn’t about just money or only filing taxes. Yes, that’s often what we accomplish together at the end of the day, but it’s also about you gaining confidence in yourself. It’s about making financial decisions that make sense, so you finally feel good about your numbers.

Trust me, you have the power—you just need the know-how.

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Business isn’t fun if you still stress hardcore every tax season. You deserve to feel confident knowing your finances are 100% in order all year round. So stop scrambling for money at tax time. Learn the systems you need to stay on top of your finances—without the need to pump yourself up before opening Freshbooks.

I know, sometimes I need a margarita too.


Hey, I’m Alana! Your Go-To Tax Expert & Founder of Griffin Tax Co.

I do finances–happy hour style.

That’s my approach at least. Because what’s the point of all this hard work to bring in the big ones if you don’t have time to enjoy the fruits (ahem, wines) of your labor at the end of the day?

My big goal is to help people–especially women–finally feel good about their business finances and leverage this knowledge to grow. I do that both hands-on and from an advisory role, covering all things bookkeeping, accounting, and tax preparation, so you pay as little as possible at the end of the day (legally, of course), and actually understand what you’re paying for.

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